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1 comment:

  1. I was very interested to hear about your trouble with the Barbican theatre. We went through something similar; got our tickets (with Orange membership) on front row, only to be told the tickets we had booked were actually in the far back. When contacting the Barbican's ticket manager, Andrew Williamson, he very quickly made it very clear that we were either a) idiots who couldn't figure out how to book tickets online, or b) liars who had gotten the only seats left and were not trying to get better seats by complaining. While admitting the booking site had had some problems, Williamson denied that THIS particular problem could have happened. As we had an eye witness who saw us book front row seats we offered to get a written statement from them; this he ignored. We also found the faulty seating plan online and presented it to him, to which he replied that that wasn't his responsibility.

    Now, I would personally have settled for something like "so sorry ladies, have a drink in the bar on us", but after months of being called both stupid and fals by this man, I would be very interested in taking this to the press. Is there any chance you would be interested in a joint venture? If so, please feel free to mail me at sandra . L. svensson @hotmail . com (without spaces...) and we'll talk. :)

    Thanks for posting this.

